Standard Heritage is an RICS regulated building surveying practice that is dedicated to surveying old buildings.
The firm has specialism in diagnosing and remedying dampness in old buildings. This is done by carrying out comprehensive surveys to identify the cause of any damp issues.
We recommend using traditional building materials such as lime mortars and re-introducing breathability to provide long term remedies for damp problems.
What makes us different? As an RICS regulated building surveying practice we are truly independent; we are not affiliated to any trade associations,contractors or agents.
When carrying out Damp Surveys – We use our in-depth knowledge of old buildings and our expert diagnostics skills to diagnose and remedy all damp issues including condensation and so called ‘rising damp’. Our reports are professional documents that use and reference the British Standards and current UK building regulations relevant to buildings of traditional construction with breathable fabric.
We focus on finding the root cause of the damp. After finding the moisture source(s),the remedies often include basic maintenance works along with re-introducing breathability by using the materials the building was originally constructed with, respecting its original design principles and introducing environmental control.This is done with the core conservation principles of minimum intervention and conservative repair at the fore.
We take masonry samples from deep within buildings walls and analyse them on site with a UKAS laboratory calibrated Speedy Moisture Tester, AKA a Gas Carbide Meter. From this we can tell how much moisture is actually in the wall – or how dry it is !
For more information about our Damp Surveys see;
Note; you can not diagnose rising damp with a so called ‘damp meter’, see Measuring Damp for more information;
We have expertise and hands on experience with traditional / natural building materials such as:lime mortars, plasters and washes, linseed paints and timber.
We carry out Level 3 RICS Building Surveys (formally known as a full structural survey).
Our knowledge and experience with old/historic buildings, listed or without designation, puts us in the position to tell you exactly what condition a property is in. As you can imagine, the survey includes an assessment of damp issues and remedies. We also have experience with the structural repair of old and historic buildings; we train and work with some of the best conservation structural engineers in the country. Our surveys and all our professional work to do with the historic built environment is guided by the most important of all standards; British Standard ;
BS 7913 Guide to the conservation of historic buildings.
For further information on our Building Surveys see;
Read what one of our recent clients had to say about our Building Survey service;
We can manage your project for you, see;

To see examples of what we are about and what our clients have to say about us, visit our News page;